Teens Speak Up!
Teens Speak Up! (TSU) is a program that provides an opportunity for teens with epilepsy and their parents to visit the nation’s capital, receive advocacy training, meet with their legislators, and tell their personal stories. Teens Speak Up! is part of the Epilepsy Foundation’s Public Policy Institute.
Teens from across the country are nominated by affiliates and selected by the Foundation to participate in the program. After receiving training at TSU, each teen is asked to turn that training into action in their respective home districts through our Year of Service program. Contact our office if you are interested in becoming an Epilepsy Teen Advocate!

Sela Kimura
Hawaii’s 2019 Teen Advocate & 2020 Teen Ambassador
Meet Sela! She is a sophomore at ‘Iolani School who has been Hawaii’s Teen Advocate for the Epilepsy Foundation’s Teens Speak Up! Institute. Sela and her mother traveled to Washington, D.C. from April 27-30, 2019 to visit the nation’s capital, receive advocacy training, meet with their senate and congressional representatives, and tell their personal stories on behalf of the 14,000 individuals living with active epilepsy in Hawaii. This is the second time a Hawaii teen has been selected for this Institute. Sela and her mom also walked in the National Walk to End Epilepsy on Saturday, April 27, 2019 right at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
They will return in 2020 for ambassador training and further Sela’s year of service to increase epilepsy awareness and seizure safety.